Varicose veins: symptoms and treatment

Varicose veins in the legs

Varicose the symptoms of the feet can be found in the treatment of both related to each other. It is a very prevalent disease in the blood vessels, which is accompanied by a weakening of the valves of the apparatus. Varicose heard it all, and in the majority of the people who have an idea of how to look at the expanded find its feet. However, you need to know about the early signs of the disease, in the rules for the prevention of the disease.

Why is it there

Varicose disease of the lower limbs developed under the influence of diverse factors. The cause of the Main pathology:

  • A genetic inclination. Deficiencies In innate connective tissue, which affects the valves. They are not able to carry out the functions of their own to prevent the retrograde flow of blood. The result is stagnation, of the vessels, which spread out into the deform, increasing the likelihood of the formation of blood clots.
  • The Features Of The Constitution. Excess weight causes increased load on the veins. Found to become weaker, losing its tone in the mode. The probability of the disease in people with overweight has increased by more than 33%.
  • The way of life in the works of nature. Varicose I found it to appear a long standing residence, in the context of physical activity, excessive. For the women, with the frequent use of high heel shoes. Causes of varicose found to include the use of tight underwear, including the stockings, of which the water does not compress the large blood vessel in the groin area, in the disruption of normal blood flow to the lower extremities, and lack of physical activity, sedentary work, in the same position.
  • The hormonal imbalance. A change in the amount of estrogen progestogen into the blood, may lead not to a reduction in vascular tone. Can bring about the pathology, use of hormone long-term oral contraceptives, the use of the drugs during menopause, etc.
  • Course of pregnancy. The growing of the fetus lead to constriction, not of blood vessels, development of blood stagnation of the pelvic organs into the legs.

The determination of the cause of the varicose in the legs can be found in the by its elimination of it will help to prevent the progression of the development of the disease complications.

The classification of the

Varicose disease of the lower limbs was found for the women, the men. Characterized by a progressive course, in which both of the following degrees in the types of varicose are found on the legs:

  • The compensation of the stage. During this period, it is not the patient has any complaints of deterioration of health. The initial symptoms of one or both of the foot to the leg, it is enlarged to be found.
  • In the stage of subcompensation. There is therefore the complaints of the legs, pain, sensation of fullness, cramps. The feet become swollen, especially toward the end of the day.
  • The phase of decompensation. The patient's impaired condition, which can develop complications — dermatitis, eczema, hyperpigmentation trophic ulcer.

Varicose to find the classification includes the following varieties:

  • The local lesions. The pathological is included In the segmental vein. Reflux (backward reflux of blood is missing.
  • Segmental lesions. There is an abnormal discharge of blood for the ban-which engages the surface of, or a communicative vein.
  • A total lesion of the superficial veins with reflux. Varicose can be found in men to preach all of the key of the defeat of the surface can be found. Most often on both feet at the same time.
  • Involvement in the pathological process of the deep veins.

The types of varicose veins of the lower extremities according to the international classification:

  • The grade of 0. The absence of complaints is, in the visible manifestation of the disease.
  • The grade 1's. Seems a vein of the eye of the spider veins. The first complaints to deterioration of health.
  • Class 2. Under the skin is visibly dilated blood to be found.
  • Class 3. As a result of blood stagnation swelling of the ankles, the shins.
  • Class 4. In connection with circulatory problems, develop signs of lipodermatosclerosis.
  • Grade 5. There is a lesion of the epidermis, the skin is more easily injured, heals the bad.
  • The class is 6. Caused the wound.

The symptoms of the signs of the

Spider veins on the legs

The first signs of varicose veins on the legs in women — the look of telangiectasia or spider veins. The first to be noticed as very difficult, due to the rarity, in both localized most frequently to the posterior surface of the tibia or below the knee. After a long stay on his feet, or the use of high-heel shoes appear the burden of the slight swelling. Varicose found in men, is characterized by a rapid fatigue of the legs.

Gradually, the patient's condition worsens signs of varicose veins visible to the naked eye. Find swell, they become tortuous, in the bumpy, there are some strands. The reduced sensitivity of the skin. The night is not at The time rule out the possibility of the occurrence of seizures. The swelling is more pronounced.

Varicose to find the water no disturbance of the blood circulation to the tissues, so that the lack of oxygen to the nutrients. There a trophic disturbance, the smooth skin becomes shiny, pale. The signs of varicose veins men's legs are not swelling even after a long vacation. Itching, and dermatitis.

Severe varicose to find the symptoms include the formation of non-healing trophic ulcers of the ankles. Undermining the accession of secondary microflora in the development of infectious-inflammatory process. Of the legs, varicose found, it is often complicated by the development of thrombophlebitis — inflammation of the walls of the vessel. May be a local increase in the temperature in the heavies, in a low-grade fever.

The diagnosis of

Varicose found, determined on the basis of medical history, the visual is the main of a patient. To clarify the stage Of the disease, the prevalence of the pathological process of the blood flow characteristics, and the presence of collaterals, reflux, the status of valve apparatus, a request for additional examination of the patient.

An ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities

The varicose veins of the lower extremities, you need to do:

  • Two-sided printing, scanning, or by ultrasonic angioscanning. It gives the possibility to image the blood vessels in the whole of its length, to determine the presence of an extension in the return of blood flow, the condition of the valve.
  • An ultrasound of the lower extremity to find the contrast with the materials. If you have a need for the varicose of the time, venography is necessary in order to assess the obstruction of the superficial or the deep veins of the legs. The study is required prior to surgery to determine the extent of the surgery.
  • A CT scan or MRI with contrast. It allows to obtain a series of images with the help of which is installed in the vascular permeability rate, make of the extension of the state of the valve apparatus, the presence of collaterals, etc.

Varicose can be found on the feet it is necessary to carry out hydrogeological studies for the assessment of the rheological properties of the blood in the other indicators. For that, you need to take:

  • The general analysis of blood. In the presence of inflammation increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, increased leukocyte count.
  • Koagulogrammou test for lupus angiboust, etc, allows You to set up a tendency to increase the formation of thrombus, coagulation in the anticoercive of the blood, the condition of the system.

How to treat a

For the treatment of varicose veins men's legs to be complex. The therapeutic system has been developed, taking into account the stage of the disease, the prevalence of pathological process, presence of a complication in other conditions.

Conservative methods of treatment of varicose veins without any surgery, performed in the early stages of the disease. With their help it is possible to stop the progression of the disease, to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, it increases the ton of the elasticity of blood vessels, normalize blood circulation in the prevent the development of stagnant phenomena.

Play an important role in the treatment of diseases of the plays, the use of compression stockings. Specific socks to provide a variable pressure along the leg, do not let the stagnation of the blood support to the muscles, and prevents the development of edema. Wear it after a night's rest, getting up from the bed. Knitwear is chosen on an individual basis, as each product has a different level of compression.

What kind of doctor treats varicose veins

Doctor To the when as varicose found on the legs need to be as quickly as possible. For that, you need to know what kind of doctor deals with varicose veins. Well, first of all it is necessary to go to the district doctor a family doctor or. According to the survey, the specialist will be made at the direction of the consultation to the doctor who deals with varicose veins, it is called a flebologia. It is a specialist dealing with diseases of the circulatory system.

If a specialist medical doctor for varicose to find the outpatient clinic or in a hospital, it is not present, healing [spirits of the craft] types of vascular pathology, thus, angiologists, or a surgeon.

If necessary, the surgical treatment of varicose veins, you should consult your doctor-phlebologist or vascular surgeon. In the district hospital to take the trouble, he was a General surgeon.

For the treatment of drug

The treatment of varicose veins without surgery only in the early stages of the disease. It requires that you use the following medications:

  • Phlebotonics. Impact on the condition of the walls of the vessel. To increase its density and reduce the vulnerability of the permeability of capillaries, increasing the a ton of the elasticity of the skin in both the angioprotective properties. To restore the normal flow of blood through time, speeding up the flow of the lymph.
  • Anticoagulants antiplatelet the agency. Normalize the rheological properties of the blood. Its thin, and it prevents the formation of blood clots. It is Used for the prevention of accidents.
  • As appropriate. Speeds up the elimination of toxins in the other harmful components of the human body. Thus, to be useful for the status of the hematopoietic system. That means that, on the basis of an extract of Ginkgo, multivitamin complexes.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. It helps to relieve the pain, inflammation, weight, bloating, swelling of the other unpleasant symptoms of the disease. They should be used with caution, which shall not be more than 10-14 days. It is due to the fact that they have a drug to such an adverse effect on the condition of the digestive tract, which can cause a peptic ulcer exacerbation of the disease. The ROPE can be used in the form of injection, solution intramuscular in the tablets for the oral use of the rectal plug.

For the treatment of varicose veins as a long, and in a few months. It is a requirement for the admission of phlebotonics in summer, because this time, the human body, including the blood vessels, there will be do to the increased stress.

Effective treatment for varicose veins involves the use of ointments in the gels, for local application. They need to be rubbed into the region of the pathologically dilated veins, more often on a daily basis. Drugs stimulate microcirculation is activated, the tissue repair at the cellular level.

How to get rid of the disease by using folk remedies of the media

Varicose to find the treatment involves the use of folk remedies of the media. It Can be used as a complement to traditional medical therapy. To help you to get rid of varicose to find in a short amount of time, in order to stop the progression of the improvement of the health of the illness of the patient.

For the treatment of varicose veins on the legs in women, you can use the following folk remedies to the media:

A tincture of horse chestnut
  • The packages under the bed. You can use the tomatoes in any degree of maturity. Some of the fruit should be cut into rings for a more advanced vessel, the device that you want to fix the problem. After some period of time, in this place, it would have to be a slight burning sensation, after which a compress is to be removed, the feet to wash it off. To cope with varicose found with the method, you must have at least 2 to 3 weeks.
  • The lemon scrub. Citrus fruits such a pronounced tonic effect. The procedure is to cut a slice of lemon in the RUB into the epidermis.
  • The tincture of horse chestnut. The drug, For the preparation of the fruit should be crushed, put in a glass container. Do you do a half fill it with vodka or diluted alcohol. Tara was placed in the dark in a cool place, from time to time to shake. It is 1 That you are at least a month. You will be asked to take a drug for 5 to 10 drops 3-4 times a day. For the treatment of varicose veins in the legs and in men a tincture of chestnuts, which are required for a 2-4-month period.
  • Apple cider vinegar is 6%. The medium tone of the blood vessels in the strengthening of their walls, helping to eliminate edema. Used for rubbing the skin, the procedure is for you to do so varicose to find on a regular basis for a number of weeks.
  • A compress of Kalanchoe. It helps to remove small varicose can be found in men. The medicine To prepare you to take away some of the leaves of the plant, chop the pour diluted alcohol. It means, to insist 7-10 days. It is used for the application of compression there is a lot to put on a cotton piece of fabric, a place in the area of the diseased vessel, a top cover with a plastic bag, wrapped up in an enhanced. Treatment of varicose identified for a long period of time, a couple of weeks. Preferably the Procedure is that it is not a night that drugs work for as long as possible.

Prior to the application of the methods of treatment of the folk of varicose veins, it is necessary to coordinate with the health care provider. Some of the methods can bring about damage, multiple benefits.

Operation of the

The treatment of varicose veins Can be permanently the only way to make it through the surgery. However, each of the processes is accompanied by some risks, so make use of it, it is recommended that when such changes are expressed in the blood vessels. With the help of the surgical treatment will be able to completely remove the varicose can be found.

Varicose to find a treatment is selected based on the characteristics of the disease. The main methods are:

  • The laser to remove. The beam is thus closed and can be problematic to find a of a small diameter. To stop the flow of blood, in the end, and whose lumen surface. The uniqueness of the method lies in the accuracy of the influence of the surrounding tissue is not damaged. The control is carried out with the ultrasonic sensor. The procedure is less traumatic, requires no special training, done on the basis of the ambulatory.
  • Sclerotherapy. For the removal of varicose veins in the lumen of the vessel introduced a special substance sclerosant. The drug creates a fusion of genres, with subsequent resorption. The procedure is performed without anesthesia, its duration should not exceed 30-40 minutes. After the manipulation the patient must wear a special compression underwear. Sclerotherapy is effective against a spider found in a spider vein, telangiectasia, dilated into a knotted blood vessels, in the acute course of the disease.
  • Miniphlebectomy. On the skin, small perforations, through which the cleaning of the affected blood vessels. The procedure is performed under local or General anesthesia. Miniphlebectomy is used to fight a winding in the defect can be found.

What is dangerous

Disease of the vessels that belong to the system of the disease. The defeat of the veins of the lower extremities, which is easy to notice, but it is a process that is often spread to the other vessels. Dangerous varicose can be found on the legs in women, and in particular those who may go to the pelvic organs. To be harmful to the development of complications during the pregnancy. At the same time, a lot of the drugs is strictly prohibited.

Dangerous varicose can be found at the feet of the men, as the process can spread the genitals, in particular, lead to dilatation of the spermatic cord. It can also lead to the occurrence of male infertility.

Other complications of the ROPE will increase the chances of formation of blood clots in the blockage of a blood vessel. It may be possible to the development of phlebitis. A dangerous disease, in the formation of trophic ulcers. It is an open door for infection, and poor healing of wounds, which, in respect of a breach of the blood supply to the tissues.

The prevention of

Physical activity in the prevention of varicose veins

In order to prevent varicose the development of a disease of the lower extremities, you need to stay healthy from a young age. Effective Prevention is more than treatment of the foot with the development of complications.

To have a good flow of blood, it is enough to have the need to provide physical activity. If a person is at work for a long period of time, the same is in the position it is, you should regularly do some stretching. To be the approach is responsible for the selection of shoes is a must for a small heel (no more than 6 inches), comfortable, does not compress the leg.

You will also need to pay attention to the weight. Excessive weight is one of the predisposing factors for the development of the disease. In addition, this leads to the increased load on the blood are to be found. To keep Clothes made of natural materials. Also, avoid using overly tight underwear, in order to avoid compression of the large veins in the groin area.

A hygienic procedure, it is preferable to use the shower, which gives it the ability to change the pressure, the temperature of the water. By using this, you can coach your blood is found to increase the circulation of blood.

If possible, every day for a workout or training session. You don't have to run a few miles at a time, what a pleasure to enjoy the swimming pool, Hiking, or Biking.

Prior to the use of hormonal contraceptives should consult not only a gynecologist, but a phlebologist, however, several of the analyses the hormones. If you change the levels of the female hormone, in the blood, it can be negative to the condition of the affected blood vessels.